Catholic Online - www.catholic.org
The Vatican - http://www.vatican.va
St Bonaventure University - http://www.sbu.edu/
The Catholic Store - http://www.catholiccompany.com/
Franciscan Center for Social Concern - http://www.sbu.edu/campus-life.aspx?id=2574
Diocese of Buffalo - http://www.buffalodiocese.org
Mt Irenaeus - http://www.mounti.com
Live of the Saints - http://www.catholic.org/saints/
The Franciscans (Holy Name Province) - http://www.hnp.org
Franciscan Web - www.americancatholic.org
Mass Time (find out where and what times masses are when you travel - http://www.masstimes.org
American Catholic Television Network - http://www.catholictv.com
Church 21 - Boston College Continuing Education Site - www.bc.edu/church21
Vatican News - www.news.va
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - www.usccb.org
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops -www.cccb.ca
Catholic News Service of the USCCB- www.catholicnews.com
National Catholic Reporter (online version) - www.ncronline.org